Package trlda :: Package models :: Class LDA
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Class LDA

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  object --+    
Distribution --+
Known Subclasses:

Abstract base class.

Instance Methods
Alias for update_variables.
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lower_bound(docs, num_documents=-1, inference_method='VI', max_iter=100, num_samples=1, burn_in=2)
Estimate lower bound, $\mathcal{L}(\boldsymbol{\lambda})$, for the given set of documents.
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sample(self, num_documents, length)
Samples a specified number of documents from the model.
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update_variables(docs, latents=None, inference_method='VI', max_iter=100, threshold=0.001, num_samples=1, burn_in=2)
Computes beliefs over topic assignments ($z_{di}$) for the given documents.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __init__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Controls Dirichlet prior over topic weights, $\theta_k$.
Controls Dirichlet prior over topics, $\beta_{ki}$.
Parameters governing beliefs over topics, $\beta_{ki}$.
Number of topics.
Number of words.

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

lower_bound(docs, num_documents=-1, inference_method='VI', max_iter=100, num_samples=1, burn_in=2)

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Estimate lower bound, $\mathcal{L}(\boldsymbol{\lambda})$, for the given set of documents.

  • docs (list) - a set of documents for which to perform inference
  • num_documents (int) - can be used to target a lower bound with a different number of documents
  • inference_method (str) - either 'VI' or 'GIBBS'
  • max_iter (int) - maximum number of belief updates in variational inference
  • num_samples (int) - number of samples used to estimate expected word/topic occurences
  • burn_in (int) - number of sampling steps performed before starting to collect samples
Returns: float
estimate of the lower bound

sample(self, num_documents, length)

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Samples a specified number of documents from the model.

Topics ($\boldsymbol{\beta}$) are first sampled from the current Dirichlet beliefs over topics. This is done only once per call to sample and all documents are sampled conditioned on these topics. The length of the documents is sampled from a Poisson distribution where the rate (average length) is given by length. Documents of length zero are possible.

Words are represented as tuples of a word ID and a word count. All generated word counts will be 1, but words can occur multiple times in a document, e.g., [(12, 1), (4, 1), (12, 1)].

  • num_documents (int) - number of documents to sample
  • length (int) - average length of the sampled documents
Returns: list
a list of documents, where each document is a list of tuples

update_variables(docs, latents=None, inference_method='VI', max_iter=100, threshold=0.001, num_samples=1, burn_in=2)

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Computes beliefs over topic assignments ($z_{di}$) for the given documents.

The beliefs may be estimated via mean-field variational inference ('VI') or collapsed Gibbs sampling ('GIBBS'). For $N$ documents, the method returns a tuple of a $K \times N$-dimensional matrix and a $W \times K$-dimensional matrix of sufficient statistics. In case of variational inference, each column vector of the $K \times N$ matrix represents Dirichlet beliefs over the distribution of topics ($\boldsymbol{\theta}$) while for Gibbs sampling it represents a sample of $\boldsymbol{\theta}$ conditioned on the sampled topic assignments $\mathbf{z}$. This can be used to initialize the algorithm in a later call to update_variables via latents. The matrix of sufficient statistics indicates the expected number of occurrences of words with topics in the given set of documents.

Each document should be represented as a list of words, where each word is a tuple of a word ID and a word count.

  • docs (list) - a set of documents for which to perform inference
  • latents (ndarray) - can be used to initialize beliefs over $\boldsymbol{\theta}$
  • inference_method (str) - either 'VI' or 'GIBBS'
  • max_iter (int) - maximum number of belief updates in variational inference
  • threshold (float) - if the average change in beliefs over $\boldsymbol{\theta}$ is smaller than this, stop iterations
  • num_samples (int) - number of samples used to estimate expected word/topic occurences
  • burn_in (int) - number of MCMC updates performed before starting to collect samples
Returns: tuple
a tuple of beliefs over $\boldsymbol{\theta}$ and sufficient statistics